Dystopian novel vocabulary - wiki post #1
This posting is due before class starts on Friday, Feb. 1.
We've begun creating our wiki resource page on our dystopian novels. For this unit, all assignments will be posted there, rather than in the comment section of this post.
This assignment requires that you find a vocabulary word from your novel.
When you find a good word (and one that hasn't been used yet this year), please add it to the vocabulary page, along with the sentence from the novel, the page number, and a short definition in your own words. Your word should be unique in the class; that is, you shouldn't post the same word as someone else. Therefore, before you post your word and definition, read through the existing words to see if your word is there already. If it is, you need to find another word.
Post your word on the vocabulary page here. Remember you need to log in and use the password key to be able to edit the page.
Record the following for your word: 1) the word and sentence from the book in which it is used; 2) page number as it appears in the book; 3) easy to understand and accurate definition; and 4) your name, so we can keep track of who is contributing what.
Link to vocabulary page
Link to Dystopian novel wiki resource