17 November 2006

Connecting Gamma Rays and dysfunctional families

We just read about NASA brief about Gamma-rays and a psychological perspective on different types of dysfunctional families. On the surface, it appears we have two entirely different topics, two different readings, and it might seem like neither of them have anything to do with one another. But what if we went out of our way to come up with a connection, anything? Can we do it? Maybe we need to think about it beyond a literal level. What can we come up with if we stretch our minds and look for any connections? What are the parallels we can draw? Please post your findings here...


Anonymous said...

This assignment requires you to post your findings here, along with your classmates. Each partnership/group needs to collaborate on their final product before posting it to the blog. As can be expected, there might be some similarities between the products for different groups of students. That's ok. I don't mind if ideas are swapped and discussed, that's how good thinking gets done. All I ask is that each partnership/group post an original final product.

And, finally, each group member must include his/her name on the bottom of the posting. No last names, only first names and the class period.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Gamma rays, like dysfunctional families, are created as a result of violent events. Gamma rays are also very small. Sometimes, when families break up or people leave, they turn dysfunctional. Gamma rays have a lot of energy, as do families in general. Gamma rays are produced in the hottest regions of the sky, which can also be interpreted as tension...families under stress may buckle and turn abusive or dysfunctional. The offspring of dysfunctional families, like gamma rays, can heal themselves or other people through their experience, or fall into deep despair. Gamma rays can also do that, having the ability to heal cancerous cells and healthy cells...

Period 1

Anonymous said...

In the two articles that we read called “Gamma Rays” and “Dysfunctional Families” we have compared the connections that each have made to each other. Gamma rays are formed from supernova explosions. The children in destructive families usually grow up from a symbolic explosion of having the struggles in their life help them grow and mature into the person they will become once they are out on their own in the world. Gamma rays can kill cancerous cells in the same way abusive parents cab kill their child’s childhood. Gamma rays are generated by nuclear explosions in almost the same way a parent will explode and verbally assault their child.


Period 1

Anonymous said...

The article “Gamma-rays” and “Growing up in a Dysfunctional Family” are very different, but they have things that connect the articles. In “Gamma-rays” it states something about violent events. This connects to the dysfunctional family article because child abuse is a violent event that happens in dysfunctional families. In the dysfunctional family article the parents killed their child’s childhood. This connects to the gamma-rays killing cancerous cells. The gamma-ray article tells how gamma-rays cause dramatic events. This connects to the dysfunctional family article because child abuse is very dramatic. Even though these articles are different they can still be connected.

Michelle T.
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Gamma rays are formed by explosions. Dysfunctional families can also have ‘explosions,’ but those explosions are caused by emotional outbreaks and major disagreements. Whether it be in alcoholic families, abusive, or sexually abusive families, it usually leaves the children of that family timid or angry. When the child is abused or something in that area, then they form issues with themselves such as timid, anger, depression, etc. Those emotions can be extremely explosive, which relates to how gamma rays form when there is a nuclear explosion. It’s sad, because the child doesn’t have a chance for childhood. And maybe their life won’t be as good as it could be when they grow up.

Anonymous said...

Gamma-rays and dysfunctional families are similar in many ways. Gamma-rays may be produced by violent events, similar to dysfunctional families. Some of the problems created in a dysfunctional family usually occur because you could’ve been physically, mentally, or sexually abused. Even though gamma-rays are the smallest form of wavelengths they cause the most damage. Likewise, in dysfunctional families, little situations can cause the biggest effect in the family. There are many difficulties within the two topics. However, you may think that these topics can only have negative affects. Gamma-rays can be used as medicine and can kill cancer cells. During a conflict in a dysfunctional family, parents tend to use resources, such as money, acting as medicine to cure there problems. Both struggle from many different and challenging troubles they need to overcome.

Period 1

Anonymous said...

After reading the two articles, “Gamma Rays”, and “Dysfunctional Families”, I came up with a few possible connections between the two. First, “Explosions” or arguments can be triggered by certain family dysfunctions. Just like explosions occur when gamma rays are produced, explosions, or family crisis’s can be caused by family dysfunctions like parental alcoholism, child abuse, or mental illness in the family. My second connection is that just as gamma rays are used to kill cancerous cells, controlling parents can sometimes “kill” a child’s self esteem and individuality. Deficient parents can cause their child’s future life to plummet, because they did not give their child the amount of attention that they deserved in their younger life. Gamma rays can sometimes linger on for a while, just as the effects on children brought out from their parents can linger long after they grow up. So in conclusion, I have established that something always triggers another event to happen, whether it is from nature, or right in your own home. The events also do not necessarily need to affect people in a negative way, but many can affect people in a positive way.

Lindsay, Period 1

Anonymous said...

The two articles Gamma Rays and Dysfunctional Families seem very different at first but when James and I looked closer we found some similarities. One similarity we noticed was that Gamma-rays are unhealthy to human beings as are dysfunctional families to the people in them. When Gamma-rays are absorbed they can kill living cells without the right medicine to control it. Dysfunctional families can hurt there children also by being raised the wrong way. Gamma rays travel across vast distances of the universe, only to be absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere. And in dysfunctional families parents try hard to do what is right but in the end it doesn’t really work out. In the end both try hard to get to a final goal but the result isn’t as planned.

Anonymous said...

In “Gamma Rays” it explains how gamma-rays are produced by violent events and the second article explains the different types of families and parents. Some children come from violent, or abuse parents. Some kids who take up their parents responsibilities feel like “miniature adults” because even though their little, they hold bigger responsibilities, and gamma rays have the smallest wavelengths and the most energy of any other wave. So even though they have the smallest wavelengths, they hold the most energy of any other wave. As the children of dysfunctional families grow up and go through their experiences, they, like the gamma rays, can learn to recover from previous problems. Gamma rays are unhealthy for people as are the relatives in dysfunctional families.
nicole then
josh maldonado period 1

Anonymous said...

Gamma Rays can kill living cells- as parents can kill, (not physically)their kids emotionally, and at times physically- like bruise them and kill their self-esteem.
They also are the smallest wavelengths and the most energy- of any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum- “as a kid I was like a miniature adult.”
Gamma Rays are the most energetic form of light and are produced by the hottest regions of the universe- as the parents are the most energetic and controlling, but are also the most lightening part of the kids life. They, (Gamma Rays) are also produced by such violent events as supernova explosions or the destruction of atoms… as parents can also be very destructive in kids lives- and produce violent acts.

Alicia/ Class: 1

Anonymous said...

There are many similarites between "Gamma Rays" and "Dysfunctional Families." One similiarity is the gamma rays kills some good living cells and in dysfuntional families the parents can "kill" their children's childhood by abusing them or giving them responsisblities that are not appropriate for their age. Another similarity is that "gamma rays are produced from violent events" and in dysfuntional families parents abuse their children with violent events using the most engery like gamma rays.

Nicole Woods
Jesse Styles
Period 4

Anonymous said...

Gamma rays and dysfunctional families are very different but there are some connections that can be made between them. When concentrated enough, gamma rays can kill most living cells. This can be compared to dysfunctional families because dysfunctional families can damage or “destroy” their child’s future. When parents abuse children it prevents them from having a healthy relationship with other people. “Children of abusive parents have tremendous difficulties developing feelings of trust and safety even in there adult life.” Parents that are deficient in caring for there children often leave them to care for there siblings and take on adult responsibilities. “Children are robbed from there own childhood, and they learn to ignore there own needs and feelings.” This happens because they feel the responsibility of there other siblings.

Luke D.
Olivia D. Per. 4
Adam P.

Anonymous said...

Gama Rays and disfunctional families are very similiar. Gamma rays have the smallest wave length yet have the most energy and can be very damaging. Disfunctional families can have very small problems, yet these problems can be very detrimental and chronic. Gamma rays can kill living cells and a disfunction in a family can interfere with healthy family functions. In a s3ense both can cause living things to become sterile.

Anonymous said...

we think the storys gamma rays and disfunctional familys are a like. they are a like because they are both distructive and they involve pain. gamma rays is about explosions and disfunctional familys the parents explode on to there kid and they put presher on there kids
joe per 4

Anonymous said...

Gamma Rays and Dysfunctional Families are similar in some ways. One way that they are similar is because they both "kill". The gamma rays can kill cancerous cells, while parents in dysfunctional families can kill the actual spirits of their children. Like cancerous cells, which sometimes regenerate, a child can eventually gain spirit back into their lives. As gamma rays are killing cancerous cells, children in dysfunctional families are emotionally shot. These emotions tend to continue into their adult lives and can cause them to have difficulties maintaining intimate relationships.

Anonymous said...

Gamma rays are very destructive just like dysfunctional families. Dysfunctional families can be very destructive to children from those families.
Gamma rays are produced by 'such violent events', very much like how dysfunctional families are created by violent events such as abuse.
Dysfunctional families have a lot of blow outs which can be described as "supernova explosions" which produce these gamma rays.
Dysfunctional families have lots of energy among them from constantly fighting and arguing. This is similar to gamma rays which are the most energetic form of wavelengths.

Melissa, Alex, Natschja, and Ashley

Anonymous said...

There are connection between gamma rays and dysfunctional families. They are both destructive. Gamma rays kill living cells as a dysfunctional family destroys and interferes the normal, healthy family. Also, they are both generated by negative things. Gamma rays are generated by radioactive atoms in nuclear explosions as dysfunctional families are generated by many issues that are not resolved in the family. The radioactive atoms are collected to form the gamma rays as the problems collect to form a dysfunctional family.
period 6

Anonymous said...

In the two stories we read called “Gamma Rays” and “Dysfunctional Families,” we have learned many facts. They may seem different, but they are actually similar in many ways. One way they are similar, is that parents will explode in anger causing the families to bear apart. When a dead star explodes, a supernova, it will exert so much heat that it will create gamma rays. Another way they are similar, is because they both can last for a very long time. In dysfunctional families, parents can cause many problems to cause them to have many problems. Gamma rays have lots of energy, which also make them last very long. The last reason why they are similar is because they both can kill something very important. Gamma rays can kill dangerous cells, such as cancer, which can help you along your way. Dysfunctional families can contain parents who are abusive and can kill a wonderful relationship between the ones they love.

Period 6
Mike and Zack

Anonymous said...

Gamma Rays and dysfunctional families have something in common. This is because gamma rays have short wavelengths and parents of dysfunctional families tend to have short nerves which makes them get angry easily. The parents with short nerves tend to flip out about things. Gamma rays send out wave lengths faster because the wavelengths are shorter. When parents flip out easily it's because their nerve endings are shorter than other people who don't get mad as easily. Dysfunctional families and gamma rays can be connected because of the face that they both have short lengths. Gamma rays cause more damage because it is easiar for them to send out wavelengths. Dysfunctional families cause more damage to people and especially their children because they get angrier then many other parents do.

Anonymous said...

After reading the articles on gamma rays and dysfunctional families, I found that the two are very similar. Gamma rays are to supernova explosions, as dysfunctional families are to stressful circumstances. Supernova explosions are one of the means used to produce gamma rays. Stressful circumstances like deaths or arguments can cause dysfunctional families to result. Gamma rays are made of different wavelengths of light. These different wavelengths "penetrate the Earth's atmosphere to different depths". The different family members in a dysfunctional family as well as the different circumstances influence the damage made on the relationships in the family. In these ways, dysfunctional families and gamma rays are very similar.

Anonymous said...

Will J. and Will B.

The connection we made between gamma rays and dysfunctional families is that gamma rays travel vast distances, even across galixies. In the sad case of dysfunctional families, the children will do what ever it takes, anything, to make their parents proud. Also, gamma rays kill cells, and dysfunctional familes can kill children emotionaly.

Anonymous said...

Gamma Rays and Dysfunctional families are very similar. They both end up giving out a negative effect. Gamma Rays can kill living cells because they are generated by radio active atoms. Dysfunctional families can affect the way that their children associate with others. In most cases they end up feeling empty and alone. Another example is that both Gamma Rays and dysfunctional families are produced in different ways. There are many types of dysfunctional families that include controlling parents, alcoholic parents, and abusive parents. Gamma Rays are produced in different types of ways. Some ways they are produced are by violent supernova explosions or by destruction of atoms.

Anonymous said...

Dysfunctional families and gamma rays have both similarities and differences. A similarity is that both topics originate from violence or unexplanable actions/events. Both dysfunctional famililes and gamma rays end up having a negative effect on the people and things around them. Another similarity is that gamma rays kill living cells and dysfunctional families "kill" the spirits and childhood of their children. The only difference that i can think of is that gamma rays are un fixable and sometimes dyfunctional families can be fixed to an extent.

period 1

Anonymous said...

Although, even on a metaphorical level, it was almost impossible to supply any type of logical connections, we were able to pick up on several substantial comparisons. The creation of gamma rays and dysfunctional families are both similar in nature. Gamma rays can be produced by the deaths of massive stars (supernova), just as dysfunctional families can be produced by the death of family members. Gamma rays also have the potential to kill living cells; whereas, dysfunctional family members have the capability of killing a family member’s future relationship. Gamma rays traverse the universe in an instant, flying by galaxies and planets as if they weren’t there. Members of different kinds of dysfunctional families tend to pass by life in the same manner, never stopping to realize how they could have had it so much better.

Shane and Matt - Period 1

Anonymous said...

Dysfunctional families and Gamma Rays have a couple things in common. Gamma Rays wave lengths are shorter like dysfunctional families have short tempers that can lead to phyical or mental abuse. Like Gamma Rays they kill living cells, dysfunctional families can damage the future of children's lives. They both are unhealthy which shows they are both alike.

Anonymous said...

Comparing Gamma Rays to Dysfunctional families is dysfunctional all in its own. Gamma Rays are unpredictable just like the unpredictability of abusive parents. You can never be too sure of the actions of gamma rays and parents who are lacking in parenting skills. Gamma rays can kill cancerous cells, but if misused it can harm necessary cells. Dysfunctional family members in a child’s life are very damaging to the child’s emotional and physic status. Like gamma rays, which come into existence from supernova explosions, dysfunctional parents also originate from abusive families which can seem an explosion. The two are very similar not because they are physically alike in any way at all, but they both can do the same type of damage to things in different ways. Gamma rays can kill cells, while dysfunctional families can kill each other emotionally.

Anonymous said...

What causes them:

-Dysfunctional families are started by alcoholism, illnesses, child abure, ect.

-Gamma Rays are formed by violent events, such as supernovas or the destruction of atoms, and they can form from lesser effects such as the decay of radioactive materials in space.

To be continued.

Joe Sierejko

Anonymous said...

Gamma rays and dysfunctional families are very different from eachother, but they do have some similarites. Gamma rays kill living cells, jsut like abusive parents can kill their childrens dreams. Gamma Rays are the shortest wavelengths yet are the most powerful wavelengths, jsut like even if an abusive parent doesn't physically abuse their child , they still hurt the kid alot by saying things that shouldn't be said and killing whatever self confidence they had.Gamma rays are usually used to kill cancer cells or used as medicine , just like the people in dysfunctional families they use drugs, or alchol to try and make their problems go away.

-Liz Pirrone

Anonymous said...

Gamma Rays and Dysfunctional families are totally two different topics. In a way they have many similiarties than you would think. Both of them can last for a very long time. Gamma Rays can destroy or kill things, dysfunctional families may have problems that can either kill someone or something. For example parents can kill a relationship between their children. Dysfunctional families may have short nerves which can cause them to get angry very easily. Even though Dysfunctional families and Gamma Rays are really two different things, there are many things in common that they both have.

Anonymous said...

The connection that I came up with for Dysfunctional families and gamma rays was as follows. Gamma rays have lasting effects and the characteristics of dysfunctional families also have lasting effects on the younger people it comes in contact with. Gamma rays are violent and strong also very unpredictable. Dysfunctional families have very unpredictable violent moments that could really change an impressionable young mind.

Anonymous said...

Gamma Rays and Dysfunctional Families have alot in common. Gamma Rays are a form of radiation which is not good to the human being. Within a dysfuntional family there is always a person who causes the problems and is not good for certian individuals in the family. Ex. the mother is a drunk and has the kids do everything for her. This is bad for the kids because they need to worry more about school and such.

Anonymous said...

Although gamma rays and dysfunctional families appear to have nothing in common, there are many connections, when complaring the two. Gamma rays, can kill living cells. Dysfunctional families can destroy the future of their children, and leave them with many emotional problems as well. Gamma rays cause harm to people's bodies, while dysfunctional families cause harm to their children's emotional well being. Kids are affected the most from dysfunctional families and suffer from different kinds of abuse. Another connection that can be made between gamma rays and dysfunctional families is: the explosions that cause gamma rays can be linked to the conflict in the family that causes abuse. i.e. an alcoholic parent that takes everything out on the kids. Gamma rays connect to dysfunctional families in the way that both are harmful.